Stop The Carnage In Eretz Yisroel!!!
There is only one way to make the carnage stop: To enlist Hashem Yisborech to put an end to it!
Without knowing the reason, or trying to justify it, the bottom line is that Hashem is allowing this to happen by choice.
Yidden are never subject to nature, but always only to Hashgocho Prottis. THIS IS REAL!!
It is not some eloquent theoretical statement that is designed to allow people to bury their heads in the sand, and feel comfortable in their frumkeit.
Billam knew it!
Haman knew it!
Esther knew it!
Billam knew he could not hurt the Jews against Hashem’s will, so he appealed to our lust making us turn Hashem against ourselves, and he nearly wiped us out! (B”H for Pinchas)
Haman knew it too, so he appealed to our burning desire to fit in with the Goyim, giving us a chance to assimilate at a meal that we thoroughly enjoyed. Once again we turned Hashem against ourselves, and Haman nearly managed to wipe us out despite the fact that a frum lady was the queen of the entire known world!
Boruch Hashem for Esther. As the queen of Achashverosh, Esther knew she was a fitting vessel to enact the salvation of the Jews on Hashem’s behalf, but she did not confuse the vessel with the source of the salvation. The only reason Achashverosh chose her as his queen was for her physical beauty, yet Esther fasted for three days before going to see him. Having seen people at the end of Tisha Be’Av, imagine how she looked after seventy two hours of continuous fasting!
Esther went in to Achashverosh, uninvited, looking her worst, and he was not impressed. Yet his scepter was raised, and she lived; subsequently saving the entire Jewish nation from the worst decree we have ever experienced.
What Esther understood, was that our salvation was directly and entirely dependant on Hashem. Teshuvah, Tefillah , and Tzedakah, are the only things we can do to save ourselves.
We have an entire army of young Jewish people literally putting their lives on the line, getting kidnapped, tortured, and being killed, to make a vessel for Hashem's Salvation. We have to fill the vessel!
PLEASE! Do not let Jewish blood go to waste making an empty vessel!
Give Tzedakah!
Do Teshuvah!
Don't just sit down for a minute and tell Hshem you’re sorry. Re-connect. Get back in touch. (see the current week’s Tanya portions to find out how).
(Partially sourced from likuttei Sichos, Chelek Alef. pp 213-217)
at the end of the day we live in a natural world. hashem subjected us to nature.
19/7/06 1:04 PM
Don't make the war stop, make the terror stop.
The terror is the problem, not the retaliation. Hashem should make no need for retaliation.
I'm not an advocate for war in general, but here it is necessary {on a human plane at least} to protect us now and in the future.
19/7/06 3:05 PM
ority then...
dr sooll how about an update?
21/7/06 7:35 AM
comment soming soon.
runninng very short on time at the moment.
21/7/06 11:56 AM
heard an earth shattering talk, i think from r' kesselman (shliach in s africa maybe?) on this idea.
last summer-right before the hitnatkut-there was a gathering of teshuva tefillah and tzedaka. the speaker said how the rebbe said this (this=ur post) point how even the goyim know how to win over us, and we yidden are actin all blind. there are HUGE arab/moslem countries who can come and kill us all out (ch"v a million times..) yet they dont. they rely on peace treaties and meetings and handshakes. why dont they just come and bomb the azazel outta us (again, ch"v)??? cuz they know that if they fight against us, we will turn to hashem and do teshuva and hashem will help us. by having us GIVE them the land, there is no way that they can lose.
ya sorry for that rambling, it was just so obvious yet shocking when i heard it..makes so much sense...ok ill get off the podium now...
21/7/06 2:04 PM
apology unnecessary.
great comment.
21/7/06 2:29 PM
im sorry but im a little confused. i understand that its a 'miricle' or wtvr you wish to say that all the arab countries dont come and bomb us (although i dont understand because they DO bomb us), but i dont think its because they think its because Hashem will help us. they dont belive in our Hashem - then wouldnt they want to be jewish? this is not meant to be an argument, im just trying to understand.
21/7/06 3:35 PM
we need the war! we dont need the casualties.
24/7/06 7:31 AM
we need war? are you normal? we are talking about LIVES here! HUMAN LIVES!!! there is never an excuse to take away a life - isnt that what you religious people belive?
24/7/06 2:23 PM
You are absolutely right that the loss of human life is abhorred by Judaism. This is clearly evident by the fact that the law “Thou Shalt Not Kill!” is included amongst the Ten Commandments, alongside other commandments fundamental to Judaism such as ‘I am your G-d,’ and ‘You shall have no other gods.’
The extent of this distaste for the loss of human life is demonstrated at the Passover Seder, a service whose sole purpose is to celebrate the liberation of the Jewish nation from extreme persecution and slavery in Egypt. During the Seder, there is a segment where we thank G-d for inflicting upon our former captors ten plagues which subsequently resulted in our liberation. Even as we thank G-d for the salvation that was facilitated by these plagues, we pour ten sips of wine out of our cups and dispose of the wine – despite the strict prohibition against any wasting of food or drink. We waste one sip of wine to mourn the loss of life and suffering of our tormentors and captors resulting from each plague.
Suffering and loss of life are always undesirable, and we simultaneously thank G-d for our salvation and mourne the distasteful but necessary ‘evil’ that was a prerequisite to achieving the ends.
I sincerely hope that the opinion represented by all the pro-war comments to this post is:
The loss of any life is wholly undesirable; and it is always, with out a shadow of a doubt, preferable to avoid war wherever possible. However, unfortunate circumstances have demanded that in order to protect the lives of our people, we have no choice but to be fighting this war, as our people will continue to be attacked, maimed, and killed, until the threat is neutralised. The war is unfortunate, but fighting it is the right decision.
26/7/06 6:04 PM
I like the word eradicated for the threats, better than neutralized. {I guess this makes us even on word suggestions ;)
Here's a moral dillema for you:
Is it within Israels rights to kill terrorist at the possible cost of civilian lives {i.e. drop a big bomb}, or should Israel make the move of invading Lebanon, with many fatalities amongst its own soldiers?
26/7/06 8:59 PM
Let's just say that I am glad I am not a politician, as I would hate to have to take responsibility for a decision like that.
We are not even. Mine was a correction, yours is a suggesstion ; p
27/7/06 10:34 AM
just a question.... we think the arabs r wrong etc bc they kill us for what they belive in (suiside bombings) - but isnt that wot we r doin now? we are also killin civilians 4 what we belive in. i understand "they started it" but does that make it right?
28/7/06 5:06 AM
I dare say that there is quite a difference.
They specifically target civillians. That is very different to 'collateral damage' where civillians are unfortunately killed as an incidental outcome of a war that takes place where they live.
They are fighting because they want to.
Israel is fighting because it has no choice.
Regarding the 'they started it' issue, I just recieved an email with the following very powerful statements.
"If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence.
If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel."
It is not that they started it.
They are continuously causing it.
Israel has no interest in fighting but to defend its people, and would be more than happy not to be involved in any violence if offered the opportunity.
28/7/06 11:44 AM
Anonymous (the first one):
Nature is a creation G-d uses to mask His active role in our day to day lives. The purpose of this creation is that we should live in a natural world where Hashem has committed us to a lifetime of circumstances that are subject to nature, hence there is a prohibition against relying on miracles. Given that nature is a creation and the Jewish people (individually and collectively) have a direct personal connection to its Creator, for a Jew ‘laws of nature’ exist only in the context that laws were made to be broken.
The only thing preventing the realisation of ends that may be unlikely or even impossible according to nature, is a lack of desire for such an occurrence on the part of nature’s Creator. Our live connection to the Almighty who is continuously controlling nature, gives us the ability to request and achieve things that would not usually occur within the confines of the creation called nature. All it takes is to arouse within the Creator a desire to provide what we want/need.
As Hashem’s children, our desires are His desires as long as we ensure that His disposition towards us is favourable. When we are not in His ‘good books,’ we end up in perilous situations where for the sake of our people, we require Him to change the course of nature as He has graciously done for us many times in the past. We just need to re-align his desire with ours.
U’Teshuvah U’Tefillah U’Tzedakah Ma’avirin Es Roa Hagezairah!!
But Repentance, Prayer, and Charity avert the severity of the decree!!
31/7/06 3:28 PM
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