Friday, July 28, 2006

Need War? -Response to Comment Re: Previous Post -" Stop The Carnage In Eretz Yisroel!!!"

"we need war? are you normal? we are talking about LIVES here! HUMAN LIVES!!! there is never an excuse to take away a life - isnt that what you religious people belive?"

You are absolutely right that the loss of human life is abhorred by Judaism. This is clearly evident by the fact that the law “Thou Shalt Not Kill!” is included amongst the Ten Commandments, alongside other commandments fundamental to Judaism such as ‘I am your G-d,’ and ‘You shall have no other gods.’

The extent of this distaste for the loss of human life is demonstrated at the Passover Seder, a service whose sole purpose is to celebrate the liberation of the Jewish nation from extreme persecution and slavery in Egypt. During the Seder, there is a segment where we thank G-d for inflicting upon our former captors ten plagues which subsequently resulted in our liberation. Even as we thank G-d for the salvation that was facilitated by these plagues, we pour ten sips of wine out of our cups and dispose of the wine – despite the strict prohibition against any wasting of food or drink. We waste one sip of wine to mourn the loss of life and suffering of our tormentors and captors resulting from each plague.

Suffering and loss of life are always undesirable, and we simultaneously thank G-d for our salvation and mourne the distasteful but necessary ‘evil’ that was a prerequisite to achieving the ends.

I sincerely hope that the opinion represented by all the pro-war comments to the previous post is:
The loss of any life is wholly undesirable; and it is always, with out a shadow of a doubt, preferable to avoid war wherever possible. However, unfortunate circumstances have demanded that in order to protect the lives of our people, we have no choice but to be fighting this war, as our people will continue to be attacked, maimed, and killed, until the threat is neutralised. The war is unfortunate, but fighting it is the right decision.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i donno

i dont see the big dillema. all sounds very nice to say- we dont want innocent lebs to die.. bla bla bla

i say..

drop the bombs on the bloody terrorist nation

kill them all.. eradicate them at any expense..

this is a war

and the only way we are going to win these bloody arabs is if we do it properly

we didint ask for the war, we want peace..

how to get that peace

there is only one way

and im not gona shed any tears when the arabs death toll sky rockets to the thousands... no,and i will feel no sympathy, no pain and no regrets.

30/7/06 2:11 AM

Blogger Dr Sooll said...

The intention of this post was not to imply that a single Jewish life should be risked to save lives of those that are attacking us. It was merely to emphasise that supporting the need to be fighting this war is not synonymous with condoning wanton killing. Nor does it demostrate a lack of respect for the lives of all human beings.

30/7/06 12:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ye i know, but my question is

what if

I DONT FEEL any respect for arab lives?

what if i dont flinch when i hear they are killed...

its not politically correct, but its how i feel

30/7/06 6:08 PM


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