Monday, July 31, 2006

Above Nature??!!


All this stuff about Jews being above nature is nice but, "at the end of the day we live in a natural world. hashem subjected us to nature."


Nature is a creation G-d uses to mask His active role in our day to day lives. The purpose of this creation is that we should live in a natural world where Hashem has committed us to a lifetime of circumstances that are subject to nature, hence there is a prohibition against relying on miracles. Given that nature is a creation and the Jewish people (individually and collectively) have a direct personal connection to its Creator, for a Jew ‘laws of nature’ exist only in the context that laws were made to be broken.

The only thing preventing the realisation of ends that may be unlikely or even impossible according to nature, is a lack of desire for such an occurrence on the part of nature’s Creator. Our live connection to the Almighty who is continuously controlling nature, gives us the ability to request and achieve things that would not usually occur within the confines of the creation called nature. All it takes is to arouse within the Creator a desire to provide what we want/need.

As Hashem’s children, our desires are His desires as long as we ensure that His disposition towards us is favourable. When we are not in His ‘good books,’ we end up in perilous situations where for the sake of our people, we require Him to change the course of nature as He has graciously done for us many times in the past. We just need to re-align his desire with ours.

U’Teshuvah U’Tefillah U’Tzedakah Ma’avirin Es Roa Hagezairah

But Repentance, Prayer, and Charity avert the severity of the decree!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

very deep...

1/8/06 10:07 PM


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