Sunday, May 21, 2006

Cigarette Smoking.

My first ever blogging experience. There is not much on this planet that I abhor more than cigarettes, and considering some of the things that had been written in this discussion and the potential ramifications in terms of wasting human life, I just could not let it go by without contributing.

Click here to check it out.


I am taking the liberty to assume that there is at least some degree of interest amongst some people to see what else I have to say, as people seem to be checking out my blog, only to discover that there isn't much of anything up here. So I am going to put up links to discussions I have been involved in. I am a bit of a blabbermouth so most of my comments on other people's blogs are long ehough to blogs of their own anyway ; )

Friday, May 12, 2006

On second thoughts..............

Although I planned originally to start posting on this blog, I don't have the time I think it will take to maintain it enough to keep people coming back, and I'm also not particularly keen or rambling on about random topics. I much prefer to write a decisive response when I read something that I feel strongly about, and have something to add to. I feel it's far more productive to comment and contribute to an existing discussion, than to just write something and hope someone reads it. So for now, I think this page will remain as it is, and I will continue to comment in various discussions as I find ones I feel I can add to.